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almauizoh managing director

Ustaz Muammar Eusouffi 

Managing Director AlMauizoh


Welcome to Al-Mauizoh, an agency providing its services to all knowledge seekers in the modern way, especially to those who wishes to expand their knowledge to learn and perfecting the Quran and its language.

The company consist of a team of Islamic teachers with a solid background from renown institutions which is University of Al-Azhar Egypt, International Islamic School Buuth Islamiyyah,Cairo,Egypt , Maahad Muhammadi Malaysia, Arabic Translator Under Institut Terjemahan & Bahasa Malaysia(ITBM), Training Fatwa ; Darul Ifta Misriyyah (JAKIM), Committee in training Lawyer Islamic Profession Under Kelab Peguam Muda Malaysia Egypt and Lawyer Islamic Profession Under Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Shah Alam.

Quran & Sunnah will always be our guide and Islam will always be the number one reason on why we are here, providing these services to you.

We welcome those who wishes to learn at home and teach to join Al-Mauizoh.

Our main objectives

1. To gather knowledge seekers and provide tutor services for either individuals or groups.

2. To reduce the number of unemployed graduates, especially those majoring in religious studies.

Looking for an islamic studies teacher or interested to be part of our team?
Feel free to click here and register for more info on the subjects offered.